SEAT simulations of FMVSS201U and research on plastics, foams, textile... to generate database for simulation.

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Presentation: Back to INDEX

• Simulations focus on methodolgy for automotive industry.
Animated gif of plastic bending test to provide simulation material model.
Animated gif of foam compression test to provide simulation material model.
Animated gif of side impact.
Animated gif of side impact.
Animated gif of soil test using SPH.

"Requerimientos técnicos de los materiales plásticos antes nuevas normativas (FMVSS201U)"

Contact: Back to INDEX

For any queries do not hesitate to contact:
Andres-Amador Garcia-Granada:
Via Augusta 390, 08017 Barcelona, Spain
Tel.: +34 932 672 083 / Tel.Cen.: +34 932 672 000 -ext.283
Fax: +34 932 056 266
Click here for a complete list of Andres-Amador Garcia-Granada Publications.